Friday, March 12, 2010

Internship update

2nd week of PT. I decided to go with the private clinic. I basically shadow the PT's (there are two of them) and ask questions or listen as they explain injury and the therapy solutions for each patient. The therapists and the receptionist (Anna, Immanuel, and Victoria, respectively) are extremely nice. I enjoy talking with them and gaining their perspectives on the career. Simply watching them do their job is awesome. There are so many muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bones in the body it's amazing how they are able to pinpoint the problem and diagnose the patient. I'm getting excited about anatomy lecture and lab next semester.

ALSO, Anna says I can bring workout clothes with me and use the gym whenever I want. HAHA. Awesome.

1 comment:

  1. exciting! glad to hear you are getting to see people in your field in action. picture updates of you please! :D
