Monday, January 4, 2010

"Joy Ghana'way"

Cheesy pun formulated and requested by Edward Cheng.

It's here! It's Jan 4th, t-minus 14 hours!!!!!!! Soon I will be aboard the Emirates airline, hopefully in chatty/socializing spirits ready to embark on my crazy adventure. WHOO!

It's late and I am still up trying to do last minute backing up of photos, songs, and videos and charging ipod, camera, phone, and flip.

The last couple of days have been "MADNESS!" (Said like Phoebe Buffay when Joey was upset that he had to audition for Drake Remorez's twin. That's for you, Jo!)

But in meeting up with friends for last goodbyes I've come to realized how incredibly blessed I am for so many close buds who care for me. Thanks you guys! You da best.

I'm pretty nervous about the 15 hour flight to Dubai + overnight layover + 7 hour flight to Ghana. This is make it or break it time!!! (for the knees that is...) How my knees handle the flight will determine many many things after I arrive in Ghana. AKA, if i can walk/function without pain for the next couple of weeks! So lots of prayer for that please! I've roughed up my knee cartilage pretty good over the last few years and my PT says it's difficult for the cartilage to retain the water/fluids if I bend my knee at more than a 45 degree angle for too long, which explains why my Taiwan trip was a total knee bust. So this is my greatest concern!! Hopefully I can get some spacious leg room to straighten my legs. And to swallow my pride and do some crazy walking routine on the plane. =P Maybe bust out some yoga. haha.

My second concern is having the energy to socialize with people on my plane so I can figure out who is a Ghana EAP student. That way we can buddy up and figure out how to get to the Dubai hotel and back to the airport the next morning. I tend to get into the reserved, observe first talk later mode when I'm around new people, but they say traveling brings out the best in you. hopefully!

ANNND thirdly...please pray for my health. The malaria pills haven't been too happy with me. Side effects have been weird...aka dizziness, nausea, upset stomach. ANNND fourthly...getting past Ghana customs without trouble. I am carrying a ton of pills on me. =P Legal ones. haha. But certain over the counter US meds may require a dr's note in Ghana. Sooo...hopefully if all goes well, I'll pass with flying colors.


See you lovelies in Ghana.


  1. Safe trip, Joc! I wish you and your knees a wonderful plane ride! :)

  2. Dearest Joy:
    You are in the airplane now. Wish you have a wonderful and safe trip!
    May God guide you and use you in His way.
    Hehe,could you read it?

    We will pray for you each day.


  3. JOC

    I hope that everything worked out well. I was totally gonna call you before you left to say bye, but i kinda forgot...heh. I'll be praying for your cartilage!
