Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Alive and, well, recovering

Akwaaba!! Welcome! to Ghana!

This'll be brief cause I've only got about 13 min left at the internet cafe.

I"M IN GHANA! and i'm alive! (barely)

I came down with some ridiculous allergic reaction, (to my malaria pills, i later found out), and got SUPER sick on the 9 hour plane ride from dubai to ghana. aka...nauseous, the Die's, puking a lot, fever. Wasn't pretty. So i arrived in Ghana...and it was SO HOT which totally made me feel a MILLION times worse. Anyway...it was basically like that for the next 2 days. Sick sick sick in a foreign country where I knew no one. I just wanted to fly back home. I was so close to just giving up. I ended up going to the hospital for an entire day (I'll write about that experience another time...). My symptoms got worse but eventually died down and the doc wrote me a prescription for a different malaria pill which is A BILLION TIMES more expensive than the ones i brought with me. It's gonna cost me a butt load. but i gotta do what i gotta do i suppose.

The two weeks before departure was jammed packed with hang outs, which was great, but it definitely left me with no time to for any mental preparation. So i gotta get past this overwhelming feeling soon!Anyway. The orientation has been stressful. Constantly on the go with lectures, tours, traveling, etc etc. There hasn't been much down time. But i discovered one night when i opted out of clubbing and had a few hours to myself, that down time = serious homesickness time. So i guess it's good that I'm being kept busy. I miss home so much and often catch myself wondering what the heck I am doing here. Did i make a mistake? Maybe I'm not as brave as i'd thought I was.

Please leave me emails, messages, videos! They make me happy. I'll be getting my phone today. You guys can buy a cheap international phone card at costco and call me on a landline if you want! Also, I'll post my address up soon. Please write me!

Prayer: My knees are dying. And i have to walk about 20 min just to get on campus. I'm super scared.

I'll keep you posted! Sorry for the rushed post. I'm running out of minutes.



  1. Hey Joy! I hope you feel better and get settled soon. I posted a video on facebook. It was a video response to what becca and ema posted on my facebook, but it is for you as well.


  2. aww, joyful! i'll keep you in my prayers. :) hope you are recovering & doing okay. you are one of the strongest, most adventurous ladies i know. and i know God brought you to ghana for a reason! jia yo! <3

  3. hello JOC. sorry about the sickness and knees. though it seems like most peoples' grand study abroad adventures start with arriving and getting really sick. so you're on the right track to having a great time! but yeah take care of yourself, look forward to your future posts.

  4. joy joy! i hope u are feeling better! glad to hear u got to ghana better but sucky u got sick :\ i hope everything is better now though after a couple of days! its raining here in davis... so im assuming quite the opposite in ghana. hope everything is well!

  5. Hey Joy,
    Glad to hear you arrived...more or less safely. I hope you feel better soon, both knee-wise and allergy-wise (even if the pills are tons more expensive, not getting sick over them is better than nothing, right?). It's always hard to adjust to a new place at first, but I think at the end it'll be totally worth it. Good luck with everything!

