Monday, May 10, 2010

Less than a week!

Ugh. I cannot believe I will be leaving in less than a week. Even though I had two weeks of nothing before leaving, all my travel plans fell through. We were planning on another trip to Togo, but realized our visas expired. Then we were all ready to go to a small beach resort last weekend, but that morning I woke up with a cold. Well OF COURSE i would, i started the trip being sick, i've gotta end it the same way. It's not bad at all. Just sniffly. I know I've gotten sick a few times, but I"M NOT NORMAL! There are loads of people here who haven't gotten sick ONCE. So don't let that scare you from coming here. =)

We've been keeping ourselves busy, but some days we simply lounge around and don't do much. The other night we had a "Christmas" party for Phebe where we presented her with all our going away presents. Twas fun. I'm starting to put together all of my goodbye presents, letters, and photos. It's hard to do. I don't know what to say or write. I've never lived in a place for this long and had to leave not knowing when I will come back and see my friends again. I'm going to miss Ghana sorely. I'm trying to soak in every moment of this place.

I've had so many discussions about what it will be like going back, being separated from the people who shared this experience with me, and returning to friends and family who can only understand my experience second-hand. One of my largest fears is going back to America and getting caught right back up in American pettiness. I guess time will tell.

1 comment:

  1. you should write songs for them. =) and then PLAY and SING IT FOR THEM! BAM! what a GREAT present! record it too. and give them the recording.
