Monday, February 1, 2010

I’m growing pretty accustomed to life here. So much so that at random moments it dawns on me, as if for the first time, that I’m in Ghana, Africa! I LIVE in frikkin AFRICA. This isn’t a vacation in which I can see the end hastily drawing near. It takes me by surprise sometimes. I feel like I need to pinch myself every so often. I am here and enjoying it so much. At times I forget I’m even halfway across the world (minus the fact that all my American buds aren’t around me.) I was having a pretty hard time adjusting at first, but I've met some really cool people, am figuring out my way around town, and am easing into the groove of Ghanaian culture. In the midst of the hectic and speedy transition period, Ghana has stealthily found a soft niche in my heart.


  1. :) you've always been pro at adapting to wherever God places you...

    BUT SERIOUSLY. don't love it TOO much. plane tickets to Ghana are a lot more expensive than plane tickets/car rides up to Norcal. OKAY? K. THANKS.

  2. Do they play Lady Gaga over and over every-frikkin- where in Africa too??

    Miss you like my snotty tissues!

