Monday, December 21, 2009


Attrace's last words to me were "Joc! Update your blog!"

SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY. I've been insanely busy this last month. I SWEAR y'all will get a 100-plus-worded blog within the next day or so...and maybe even with pictures! Also, prep your eyes for a revised color scheme. I guess yellow against red is a difficult read. Keep a look out for several posts before my departure. I have lots to share.

In the mean time, I have an urgent prayer request. My body is still breaking. Please pray for healing in my knees and hip, and wisdom in my doctor as she figures out how to fix me in such a short amount of time. Especially my hip because it's a very new injury, as in a few days old. (yeah...hate to break it to you, Mom and Dad, via blogger, that yet another injury ails me.) I'll elaborate more on prayer requests and injuries later. Heck, I'll probably dedicate an entire post titled "Why Joy will end up in a wheelchair by the time she's 30." Anyway. You shouldn't underestimate the power of prayer. Thank you!

T minus 15 days!

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